A sneak peek at my next book in the Misfits Quest series. Soon out on Amazon Kindle.
It was a lot of fun to write this book! I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Have an awesome day guys!
Misfits Quest - Into the Darkness
Loud, guttural hissing and raw screams fill the dark stone tunnels, bright crimson blood drips down from the walls and pools on the moist pebble littered floor. Bright flashes of purple and blue magics illuminate the area, showing a group of adventurers battling against a massive Cave Lizard with a huge black frill.
It hisses at them, its thick tail whipping back and forth as it lunges at the group, its mouth gaping open, showing sharp, barbed teeth and a fiercely yellow throat. The creature goes to bite at the large Half Orc who swings a giant wooden club that has metal spiked studs all over the head, at the Giant Lizard’s face, catching him across the jaw.
A scream comes from the monstrosity and it shudders away from them, its luminous green eyes blinking in pain. Its frill opens more and the beast growls at the group, right as a flash of bright blue hits him right between the eyes. There is a moment of absolute silence and the creature falls to the ground with an earth shaking thud, the pebbles on the floor skittering across the damp surface.
The group stares at this thing, their eyes wide and their breath panting out of their chests in great heaves. The blue haired Mage from the back of the group slumps into the wall, her breathing uneven and her eyes unfocused. She clutches at her chest and tries to take a deep breath, but it shudders into her, causing her to convulse into a coughing fit.
The blonde bearded man close to the beast, notices and hurries over to her, concern etched over his face. He reaches a hand out to touch her shoulder and whispers something while clutching at the gold sun symbol on a leather chain hung about his neck.
A warm golden light emanates from the symbol and bathes the Mage in it. She breathes easier and gives a tired smile to the Holy Man next to her.
“Thank you Gabriel.” She whispers, her voice hoarse from her screaming her spells.
He smiles back, just a slight twitch of one corner of his lips as he nods to her. “Are you alright now, Emari?” He asks, his voice pitched low.
Pausing for a moment to gather her thoughts, she flicks her gaze back to him. “Yes, I am fine. Thank you.”
“Good, then I will tend the others.” Gabriel drops his hand from her shoulder and steps over to the huge Half Orc, repeating the same whispered prayer, the cuts that cross the mans chest close up and stop bleeding. After that he goes to the other two, a small Halfling with flaming red hair and a tall, handsome Half Elf. After healing them they all flop to the ground and pull out their water-skins, taking long draws on the cool liquid.
The tall Half Orc glares over the mouth of his water-skin to the Mage across the tunnel. “You said we wouldn’t run into anything!” He growls accusingly.
She looks up, still leaning against the stone wall, her face flushed and damp with sweat. “I said we most likely wouldn’t, Krusk.” Her tone holding a faint note of frustration. She bends and picks up her notebook off the ground, some of the pages damp from the moisture of the tunnel, she brushes off some of the dirt from the pages and flips through until she comes to a map.
The Half Orc grumbles and tilts his water-skin up to drain it, brushing his heavy hand across his tusked mouth to wipe off the drips. “I still think we should have gone the other way.” He says, his rumbling voice quiet.
Sighing Emari looks up with an apologetic frown. “I am sorry about that Krusk. But this is the way the map is leading us.”
Shaking his massive head, the Half Orc slumps into the wall and leans his head back, his yellow eyes closing as he lets loose a heavy sigh. “Wake me when we know where were going.” He rumbles.
Frowning Emari peers back at the book in her hand, her fingertip tracing a path on the squiggly black lines that cover the pages. She stares intently, picking out their path from the mass of black. There is a scuff next to her as the Half Elf comes up next to her, peering at the pages as well. He tilts his head as he watches this, a soft melody humming out of his throat and his eyes bright with a strange happiness.
The Mage notices he’s there and winces away from him. Causing pain to cloud his gaze. He dips his head and strides over to the other side of the tunnel. No words spoken, but he understood. He must have upset her when he spoke to her last. By the stream when they first left the city. He feels a pang of sadness but pushes it aside. He will rebuild their relationship. Somehow.
Gabriel takes another pull on his water-skin, stoppers it and stores it away, before speaking to the group, studiously ignoring the interaction between the Mage and the Musician. “We should be moving again soon.” He says in a quiet tone, but the others all hear him, nodding at the truth to his words. “We have a lot of ground to cover and not a lot of time. So take what rest you can for a few more moments then we will be off.”
The Halfling woman stands and stretches, turning to Gabriel. “We should also rest soon, take a moment to sleep.” She says, yawning hugely.
Frowning, Gabriel looks at the others. “Yes, but this area is not safe. We should continue on for the time being.”
Rolling her eyes, Rosamund shrugs her pack back on. “Fine, but someone is going to have to carry me, I’m exhausted, trying to keep up with all you tall folk is hard.”
Krusk rumbles out a laugh, opening one yellow eye he peers at her. “I can carry you.” He says, his voice rough with mirth. “You would make a good parrot.”
Glaring at the giant man, Rosamund can’t keep a straight face and ends up laughing as well. “A fine pretty one I’d be too.” She chuckles.
Gabriel and Vicoran laugh along with them, but Emari still stares at the parchment in front of her. Studying their path with a one track mind. She needs to know the way perfectly in the event of another attack.
The group rests for a few more minutes, until eventually Gabriel rouses them, and they begin their march again. Off into the darkness of the Undercities.
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