
 Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my page!

I hope you enjoy my crazy ideas!

I am an Author, I have a couple books published and am always working on more! My main genre's are Fantasty and Sci-Fi, with a bit  of romance thrown in. I love to write! It's always been a passion of mine and I hope you enjoy my works. Let me know if you like them! I would love to hear what everyone thinks!

I have a cute little fur baby, a Tortishell cat named Tortalini. She is a great snuggler and an awesome help for when my mental health goes in the decline. Yes, I said mental health. I have Bipolar Disorder, Anxiety, and I'm working on getting better all the time. Some of my posts will be about my mental health. It is an important thing for me. It's part of who I am. So, I won't hide it. 

I am married to my wonderful best friend, Kyle. He makes every day a little bit better. He's the best thing that's happened to me. He also struggles with his own Demons and he will be Posting about his issues as well. Whenever he can work up the energy. XD "Writing is hard." He often says. I don't blame him. It really can be. 

I love to cook, and always have to have some sort of project. I can never sit idle. I love to work with my hands, on crafts, food, or some sort of new hobby. 

I hope this is a good introduction to me and my family, and I hope you will love my crazy antics. I hope you have an amazing day, week, year, life! Enjoy the little things! Laugh as much as you can! Bye!!


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